The Pros And Cons Of Genetic Testing

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The most important field of science is genetic, that looks at how your body treats (such as eye color) are passed down from parents to their children through genes (1)
DNA is a part of gens inside each of our cells that instruct them how to make the proteins the body needs to work. DNA is the genetic found in each cell such as hair color, eye color, and height. They also affect whether a person is likely to develop diseases, such as cancer. (2)

Some gene changes that lead to cancer may be inherited from a parent, but not in all situations Only about 5% to 10% of all cancers are thought to be related to the gene and it’s might change that strongly and cause effects in a person’s risk for a certain type of cancer (3)
Most of the cancers start because of gene changes in person’s lifetime, sometimes these gene changes have an outside cause, such as hitting to sunlight or addicted to tobacco, But gene changes can also just be random events that sometimes happen inside a cell, without an obvious cause. (4) …show more content…

Different and a lots of genetic tests are used today, and more are being developed. (5)
Genetic testing can be used in a lots and very many situations. The aim of the testing most often used to check if you have cancer is called predictive gene testing. It’s used to look for gene changes that might put a person at risk of getting a disease. It’s usually done in people that have history of suggests there’s a disease that may be inherited in their body. (6)
Benefits of genetic testing and