Theseus As A Greek Hero

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7 young women and 7 young men were sent to the city-state of Crete every 9 years. What did they do there? They were sacrificed to the Minotaur. And if you do not know what that means, it means they were killed. A Greek hero was brave, had the ideal body, and was loved by everyone. Theseus is one of the most famous heroes in Greek mythology. Theseus had despised this dreadful tribute where 14 young people were sacrificed every 9 years, so in order to stop this, he set up a plan to slay the Minotaur. This plan and adventure is what Theseus is most famous for. Theseus fits the image of a Greek hero because he was of royal birth, had a noble character, and performed extreme feats. To start, Theseus was the son of King Aegeus of Athens and Aethra, daughter of King Pittheus of Troezen, which made him royalty. While some people may say that being born royal does not make Theseus a hero considering he did not know he was of noble birth until he was a young man, he still claimed his heritage, eventually took over the kingdom, and was known as a great hero to many people. First, according to, King Aegeus consulted the …show more content…

Before leaving for Athens, Aegeus told Aethra if she had a son he would only allow him to