Thesis Of Book

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Thesis of Book

Many parents are unaware of the harmful effect of limited outdoor time in

nature is for young children, although parents are aware things are changing,

they stated some reasons their children do not go out is that it is too dangerous, less

open areas, more television and computer use, additional homework and other


Children are aware of the global threat to the environment, although the

research shows children’s contact with nature and the outdoors are declining

rapidly. Many health issues are on the rise such as; obesity, deficit disorders, social

interaction and lack of outdoor physical activity.

Researchers found children with disabilities gain a more positive behavior,

though the direct …show more content…

Scientific studies agree with Lov’s findings that contact with nature

is not just a luxury, but it is essential for healthy children’s development.

Lov’s argument is that many children are at a higher risk of acquiring physical

and emotion health issues, but with direct interaction with nature that it is an

essential for healthy childhood development. Lov’s talks about some alarming

childhood trends, obesity- due to not enough outdoor exercise, attention disorders-

too much screen time, not enough outdoor time to explore and depression- keeping

your body, mind and soul engaged rather than sit and watch TV/computer games.

Lov’s offers many ways of some simple and practical solutions to heal the

Nature-Deficit Disorder. He also stats that “wonder” is the most important word-

let children go into the woods and let them listen to leaves rustling and birds

chirping, it is the source of all spiritual growth and memories that will last a

lifetime. How can we cut children off from the source of “wonder”?

When children with ADHD are in little contact with nature their symptoms

get much better, leaders who emerge in nature become the smartest