Essay On Screen Time

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You’ve watched more than 2 hours of TV, and you get ready for dinner. When you turn the TV off you suddenly get a shock of pain in your head, you ignore it, but when you stand up you feel dizzy. Then after all this, your eyes start itching so you use your hand and scrub your eyes, but the itch and the pain just doesn’t stop. Has this ever happen to you? Well, it happened to me lots of times. AAP is the Pediatrics Official Journal Of The American Academy Of Pediatrics, When a new AAP article is made, the facts/statements in the article are agreed among all pediatricians and doctors in the subject. AAP states “Limit the amount of total entertainment screen time to <1 to 2 hours per day” (AAP) which is pretty reasonable screen time not including homework, throughout the years of iPad and iPhone and things, more and more people are getting these devices so more and more people have everyday screen time and most are 2 hours and above. Even though the internet can give you good effects but I can give you really bad effects as well. The internet can affect our health, and even affect the development of your brain and eyes.
One reason that people should follow the AAP rule is an overdose of screen time can affect the development of your brain and your eyes. One evidence is that when you give a kid a tablet or a screen many of the basic things that you …show more content…

The last and final rule is that an overdose of un-physical screen time may increase obesity and tiredness. From AAP itself they state that the chance of obesity and tiredness increases when you have a screen, like a TV in a resting area like your room or the living room.(AAP) This shows that the percent of an increase in health danger and tiredness may increase when a screen is in a resting area. The more screen, the more obesity and more tiredness which can result in obesity health issues and the tiredness may make driving harder or even