
Thesis Statement For Hate Speech

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Elijah Edwards Ms Marazas Dual Credit English 101 17 February 2023Date (17/2/ 2023) Title Hook:Today´s society is really comfortable with normalizing hate speech but don’t want to normalize the victims feelings. Background information:initially the first amendment was made for our protection from the government from trying to censor the citizens as stated in American Library Association “The right to speak and the right to publish under the First Amendment has been interpreted widely to protect individuals and society from government attempts to suppress ideas and information, and to forbid government censorship of books, magazines, and newspapers as well as art, film, music and materials on the internet” but what the first amendment dosen’t protect is hate speech which has been causing more problems than ever in our current society it cause so many psychological effects it can cause on adolescents but even worse it …show more content…

. . and that it causes what scientists call a ‘dehumanization effect’ which makes it easier for us to justify suffering and harm caused to another human being (Dr Noami Impakter) Analysis:According to the evidence hate speech causes something called the dehumanization effect which means it's easier to see someone who suffered from hate speech as less of a person so it's easier to harm someone who don't really see as a equal as you Introduce Evidence: Dr Noami explains that group who experience hate speech have more harm results Evidence # 2: ¨Groups more exposed to hate speech are more likely to commit suicide¨(Dr

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