They Don T Care About Us Poetic Devices

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Michael Jackson’s song, ‘They don’t care about us’, is not only a enjoyable song to listen to but it also has a lot of deep meanings and emotions in the lyrics. Through this song, he speaks for all the people that have been discriminated against for their race or what they believe in. Jackson once said in an interview, “I am the voice of the accused and the attacked. I am the voice of everyone. I am the skinhead, I am the Jew, I am the black man and I am the white man.”

He used many direct words or phrases to communicate to people about how he feels. This is evident through the lyrics such as, ‘Beat me, hate me, You can never break me, Will me, thrill me, You can never kill me’, ‘Don't you wrong or right me’ and ‘I'm tired of being the victim of hate’. We can see that he is conveying a message for everyone. For the government, so they know that they would not break him, no matter what. For the media, for them to stop judging people for their races or differences. For everyone else to stop being disrespectful to people just because of their race or belief. …show more content…

‘Your proclamation promised me free liberty, now’, this line represents situational irony. We are promised freedom and our rights, yet we will be imprisoned by shame and hate if we do something that is not normal in society. His use of repetition makes the audience always remember the phrase, ‘All I wanna say is that, they don’t care about us’ because it is the truth about this