Think Your Drink Case Study

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Question 2: You are using an intervention called "Think Your Drink" to reduce added sugar consumption from beverages in an intervention for older adults. You want to see if your intervention is effective. What dietary assessment method will you choose to evaluate the effectiveness of this program and, if relevant, what instrument. Please discuss the strengths and limitations of your method and, if relevant, instrument in terms of validity and reliability as well as the subject burden and cost for evaluation. Answer: The aim of the study is to evaluate the effectiveness of intervention called "Think Your Drink” to reduce the added sugar consumption in older adults. Dietary assessment method use – Multiple 24-hour dietary recalls, at baseline, 3, 6, 9 and 12 months for experimental and control group. Changes in the …show more content…

b) What are the differences between an experimental, quasi-experimental, non-experimental and descriptive design? Experimental research design: In the experimental designs participants are randomly allocated to independent variable, which means researchers can manipulate the independent variable and assess the outcome. The experimental design which evaluates the cause and effect relationship and it can perform in lab and real life conditions with one group treated as a experiment and other group is placebo. The experimental designs are highly reliable and controlled, but it needs ethical approval from government. A Quasi-Experimental Design: In the Quasi experimental design, researcher doesn’t manipulate independent variable and also not assign the groups. It seeks to evaluate casual impact of intervention on its target population. In the quasi experimental design the subject are already part of a group based on pre-existing conditions (Non-random assignment) and participants are not blinded, causing low internal validity. Non-Experimental

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