This Is Your Brain In Emergency By Jerzl Black

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To survive in the world, it takes various skills and abilities that we have. We as humans use pure instinct and what we have learned throughout the years of life, consisting of what we know physically, mentally, and intellectually. Some may argue that physical capabilities are the most important aspect for survival, however research shows that emotional stability and intellect are much more essential. An essential ability for survival is emotional traits. In the article “This is Your Brain in Emergency” by Jerzell Black, Black explains the way people act in the position of a crisis, by demonstrating the stages of their thoughts, and feelings. And while reading, it can give you ideas on how emotional stability is a key factor in survival. The …show more content…

Now, it is true that being physically fit is essential for survival, as explained in “Survival is Your Own Responsibility” by Daryl Miller, a survivalist expert and park ranger, who talks about things he has learned from being a park ranger, and part of it is being physically fit or prepared, he talks about how people are unprepared for the wild as “The environment can be extremely unfriendly to humans. It is indifferent and unforgiving.”(Miller 4). Humans need the physical capabilities to withstand the frightful environment, being prepared, tolerance, ect. Which Miller explains many don’t have, but require as they don’t realize the risks. However, despite being physically fit, it’s not the most important thing for survival. In the short story “To Build a Fire” by Jack London, the man, though fit, had still died as he had lacked intelligence and emotional stability. The man was “quick and alert in the things of life, but only in the things and not in the significances.”(London 3) Yes, he had been alert, and able to withstand what he could, but he lacked other abilities, which unfortunately led him to his death, presented in the end of the story, he dies as he says, “You were right, old host; you were right,”(London 38) He had led himself into that pit, having no other ability to survive but his