Thomas Becket Research Paper

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St. Thomas Becket, the Archbishop of Canterbury. Thomas Becket was born in London, England. Who was also known as “Thomas of London,” the son of Gilbert Becket. As Thomas Becket in his childhood, he was educated in Paris, London, and Martin Priory. When he was twenty-one years old his mom died.
Three years later after the tragic death, his father introduced him to Archbishop of Theobald and several other Bishops. In 1143, Thomas Becket earned the respect and the confidence from Theobald, his abilities allowed him to study at Bologna and Auxerre. Becket became the canon of St. Paul’s and of Lincoln, provost of Beverly, and archdeacon of Canterbury.
Thomas Becket was the Chancellor of England in late 1154.Theobald recommended him as chancellor …show more content…

Thomas Becket was aware of the King Henry II elected the Becket because he was well trained and Henry II trusted him. Thomas Becket also knew the intentions and knew what King Henry II wanted. Becket changed his way in life, he became more devout, determine and he embraced integral program of the papacy and canon law. The canon law, body of law made within certain Christian churches, by lawful ecclesiastical authority for the government of both the whole church and parts of thereof and of the behavior and actions of individual. The canon law also includes precepts of divine law and incorporated in the canonical collections and codes. Thomas Becket also knew the intentions and knew what King Henry II wanted. When King Henry II has went to Normandy on August 1158 to January 1163. Thomas Becket has begun to oppose a tax proposal and excommunicating a leading baron. Thomas Becket attitude in the matter of “criminal clerks,” in Western Europe, the clerics enjoyed the trial before the bishop secular the court; the clerics also received a mild punishment of their crime. In England, before the Conquest has changed, if you were found guilty in an ecclesiastical court, clerics will be exiled, maybe degraded but were not liable to