Thomas Billitteri The Value Of A College Education

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There are many more ways effective ways in tackling the cost of attending college but there is another challenge, the challenge of academic struggle. This can be overcome through hard work. Most, if not all colleges, offer some type of tutoring system whether it be online or in person. Essentially it comes down to the students own will to help themselves and put in the hard work and effort needed to be successful in college. Also as Kelly explains a key factor to success is to have a well-balanced college life including encouragement from family and friends if possible (Kelly 659). With the academic challenge complete this only leaves the financial struggle. First off those with talents such as music, art, or athletics are in luck, there are …show more content…

Assessing the real payoff of a college degree can be looked upon on many different levels. The student has to be self-driven and have a goal they are striving for. Success in college is often measured by the return on investment. In Thomas Billitteri’s article “The Value of a College Education”, he explains college graduates make the most money and return on investment (987). On average those with advanced degrees make around 80,977 dollars, followed by a bachelor’s degree making 57,181 dollars, and finally high school graduates making only 31,286 dollars (988). In return this helps with a sense of financial security and career high satisfaction. Scholar Scott Carlson also takes a stand on defining the return on investment in his article “How to Assess the Real Payoff of a College Degree”, he explores real life stories of different people and the fields they along with their outcomes. Carlson talks to Dimitrius Graham a man with an amazing gift to sing, Graham decided to go to college and major in music at Morgan State University. Graham describes that his future is promising but not set in stone and there is always room for errors to occur. When Graham’s friend asked “did he waste time and money getting a degree in something that might not pay off?” (qtd. in Carlson 2). Graham responded quickly with “I can’t not go to college” (qtd. in Carlson 2). He based his answer off of job opportunities and would have a more secure job if he went to college and explains that with what he has learned in college, and realized, college is really full of opportunities and therefore doesn’t have a price