Thomas Hobbes: The Power Of Government

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LAS 114 The State is the dominant organization in the country, which is headed by the Government and other bodies. Thomas Hobbes, he is known for his brilliant work Leviathan, where the state, like sea monster, sucked all the rights and freedom of the people, where people have become part of the state mechanism. According to Hobbes the main part of life is in a natural state, to limit their freedom by transferring power Leviathan. For the philosophy of the state is the end of the "war of all against all." He adamantly adhered to the principle of human equality, he praised the role of the state, which was the supreme authority. In its ideal state power to control people's views, there is a limited censorship and have religious restrictions. …show more content…

In his work, Locke puts a different perspective on the original, natural state of man. Unlike Hobbes with his thesis about the "war of all against all," Locke said that initially the absolute freedom of people has been a source of struggle, and expressed their willingness to follow the natural laws. This is the natural desire of people to lead them to the realization that it is necessary for the common good, to save the function free. Human life would be dangerous, brutish and short, without the presence of the authorities. Without political power all will live in a state of nature, where everyone has the freedom not limited to damages for all. The basic idea of the social theory of the origin of the state - is the governing body of the state, which should be formed on the consent of the governed …show more content…

It is easy to notice that Locke significantly departs from the theory of Hobbes. John Locke to the liberal monarchy. But Hobbes emphasized the absolute power of the state over society and people, and was an authoritarian monarchy. Locke emphasizes something else: people give the state only part of his natural liberty. The Constitution is to limit the power of law, - says Locke. Natural law, he believed that God gave it to Adam in Genesis. He used to study the Bible as an argument in addition to the logic. The natural right to life, liberty and property. The state is obliged to protect their natural right to property, life and freedom. The more people, the wider the range of their responsibility to society. The State, therefore, does not have the absolute arbitrariness. The social contract involves, according to Locke, and the responsibility of the state to its citizens. If the state does not fulfill its duty to the people, if it violates the freedom of the people, the people have the right to fight against the state. Locke is often referred to among the main theorists of the democratic polity. His ideal - British constitutional monarchy, in which embodied the balance of interests of the individual and the state is the king, the House of Lords and the House of

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