Thomas In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Thomas More is put in prison and later sentenced to death, but still he is devoted to stay with his decision of not giving his opinion about King Henry VIII’s divorce, because he opposes to it. Out of all three characters, Thomas is found in the worst predicament. Atticus Finch also has consequences to face during the Tom Robinson trail. He is endangering his life, and also the lives of his children. He is seen as a respectable man in the town of Maycomb and by defending a black man he puts his image and career in jeopardy. Taking all these consequences into account, Atticus still continuous to follow through with the task that is assigned to him. Alex, the character who has nothing to lose and who chooses his own fate, immediately changes when he is taken to prison. He betrays his friend, or “droogs” (Burgess, 2011: 3), by trying to turn them in to the police and he begs for mercy. When the Ludovico treatment is too much to handle, he also changes his tone and tries to convince the doctors that he is cured. He chooses to adopt a social acceptable role to protect himself. …show more content…

Therefore it can be argued that they are moral people, while Alex’s behaviour proves that he is not moral, but rather uses free will to make his own choices. Alex comes in contact with religion through a chaplain that he meets while he is in