Thomas More Utopia Essay

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Thomas More was born in London, England in 1478. He came from prominent family that was all about the laws. More was well educated in literature and law. He however, did not follow in his families desires. He went to serve as a counselor for King Henry VIII. His first wife died in childbirth and he remarried again. More is well known for his book Utopia. King Henry VIII beheaded him in 1535, for treason for not agreeing that the King should be head of the church. More used his book “Utopia” as a way to express his view on the government and society. Through the fictional story, More writes about how the Utopia society should be governed. He believes that the government should only be governed by reason and rational thoughts. The …show more content…

Machiavelli is advising in the book on how to handle the society in the order to see the political point of view. He is a believer that you can control your own fate on how you present yourself to others. That anyone in power of the nation has the right to deceit the people in order to protect the nation. Machiavelli believes that being a successful leader you need to have less compassion over the society but more towards the nation. His strong belief that people that come from power and money; will gain power over the ones that are less fortunate. Very self-center is Machiavelli, that he even state “what is best for the state is best for the prince”. The Prince is the guide on how to be “Machiavelli”. After reading on how Niccolo Machiavelli and Thomas More believe the government system should work. Now which is better for the human condition. I actually do not see how either one is worse or better for society. I would think having a little of both, More and Machiavelli idea of how the government should be handle 50/50. They both have their reason on why they believe what they believe but just choosing ones belief is not in the best interest of the people. Having more than one viewpoint is better for a