Thomas Paine's Common Sense

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A great American poet once said, “Some books leave us free and some books make us free”. People expect that if something is ever going to change their lives it will be something, something they will never forget. What people don’t know is that they can make that life changing event with a couple of hours from the most unexpected place, from reading a book. Even if a person holds strong views that are unshaken by anything, he could still gain guidance and inspiration from books. Furthermore, books are able to revolutionize and the change society’s beliefs’. Books have always had a part in changing human history through. One such book, that is still read today, was able to convince people to turn against an empire. That book was Common sense. During the Eighteen century, Great Britain was the strongest nation in the world. But this mighty nation refused to treat its colonists fairly, which influenced Thomas Paine to write his book. Common Sense helped to inspire the colonized people of North America so much that they believed that they had the power to stand up against the greatest empire the world had ever seen, one upon …show more content…

Throughout the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, radical and controversial ideas were created in what would become a time period of great advances. Some of those controversial ideas were made by Sir Isaac Newtown. He was able to lay out, in his book the principia, foundation for the creation of modern calculus. His radical ideas affected everything that had been established and proven through religious views. Sir Isaac Newtown book was able to form a foundation for open thinking and observing throughout the sixteenth century and through twenty-first