Thomas Pogge's Inequality For All

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Human rights plays a key role in every individuals life. They are the moral principles that are most commonly understood in society as a person’s rights in which an individual is inherently entitled simply because he or she is a human being, which is also inherent in all human beings regardless of nationality, ideology, religion, ethnic origin, location or wealth status. The dismissal of human rights is often broad and targets any belief in the existence of a right that any person can have unconditionally, simply by being human. Thomas Pogge a German philosopher and a professor at Yale University argues that human rights are moral claims on social institutions and organizations. Amartya Sen an Indian economist and philosopher of Bengali ethnicity, who supports the wide domain of human rights - inclusion of economic and social rights, argues that freedoms should be both the ends and means of human development which requires the removal of major sources of unfreedom: poverty as well as tyranny, poor economic opportunities as as systematic social deprivation; neglect of public facilities as well as intolerance of over activity of repressive states. Robert Reich a professor at Berkeley University and former secretary of labor under Bill Clinton, makes a fluent and impassioned argument in his documentary “Inequality for All” that America’s widening income inequality between the top one percent and the middle class, not only threatens the middle class, but also the very foundation of democracy itself.