Three Gods In The Odyssey

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In the Odyssey, there were many gods/goddess’ that affected Odysseus. Though there were some in particular that stood out. The Odyssey is a story about a hero named Odysseus, who must go through many challenges; just to get home to his wife. In this essay, it will talk about the three gods/goddess’ that affected Odysseus the most. Them being Hermes, Poseidon, and Athena. Athena was one who effected Odysseus in a helpful way. She gave Penelope hope that Odysseus was coming back. Athena was also the one who had the smart idea of, disguising Odysseus. Athena shows up in multiple parts of the story. She never did anything to really harm him, just helping him. My question is, why didn't she try to mess with him like the other gods/goddess’? Another