Three Innovations In Canada

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Innovations in Science, technology and environmental protection have been very pivotal all throughout Canada’s history. The three types of innovations that have largely benefitted Canada are Blackberry and the digital revolution in the technological field. The second innovation that has benefitted Canada is Stephen Lewis and the fight against aids in the medical field. The final innovation that has benefitted Canada is David Suzuki and environmental activism in the environmental protection field. These are the three innovations in the technological field, medical field and in the environmental protection field that have been pivotal throughout Canada’s history.
The first innovation that I’ll be starting off with is the Blackberry and the digital …show more content…

Subsequently to creating wireless technology Blackberry also created the first device that could send and receive data. The devices that could do this were the interactive pager that was made in 1996 and the original Blackberry that was made in 1999. This innovation benefitted Canada because it allowed companies such as Rogers and Bell to deliver information wirelessly. Blackberry as also a key company in the Canadian stock market for decades and was a key reason for its success for years to come. During the time in which Blackberry was growing its stock was ever so rising and continued for many years. It became a real competitor for technology all over the world when its stock reached $100 million dollars in 1997. It increased even further and reached $250 million dollars in net worth by 1999 further cementing its place in the world as a global tech monarch. Finally the company reached its peak reaching $2 billion dollars in net worth by 2011 and by doing so it truly …show more content…

David Suzuki is quite renowned for many things however the most memorable things within his life time are his efforts towards the environment and the preservation of the environment. David Suzuki was able to truly shine the light on the destruction of the amazon to millions in North America. David Suzuki was able to do this because of his T.V Show The Life of Things with David Suzuki. This T.V show was able to inform he masses and caused people to donate money from the bottom of their hearts from North America to Brazil for this cause. This benefitted Canada because it allowed many North American’s to open their eyes to see what humans are doing to this earth. It also caused many people to become more enthralled in climate change and support this wide and vast topic. David Suzuki was also able to bring and enthrall many Canadians into the wonders and destruction of the Amazon. He caused a whole nation to truly see the state of the rainforest for what it is. In 1988 he held a gala in Downtown Toronto to raise money for the Amazon. Many prestigious people were there such as Margaret Atwood and other famous actors during the late 80’s. This caused a wide variety of media attention which in turn caused people to be intrigued by this gala. After a couple of days the amount of donations grew and grew until