
Three Long Term Causes Of The Civil War

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Three long term causes of the civil war. The American Civil War was a war fought within the United States of America between the south, confederacy and the north, union from 1861-1865. The first main cause is state's right v. federal rights. There were many issues throughout the years that questioned how much power the federal government acquired and how much power the states had, the north usually wanted a stronger federal government whereas the south wanted the states to make decisions on their own. The disagreement in interests between the two sections raised tension finally causing the civil war. Another factor that triggered the war was the economic differences between the two sections of the country. The south had the suitable geographic …show more content…

Maryland case proved that federal power would always be above state power when in disagreement. In the Senate each state gets 2 votes, and in the house it’s based on population. From 1789-1830, because of the three fifth's compromise the south controlled the senate but from 1830 millions of people start coming to the North and the North controlled the house of representatives which disappointed the south as felt like their beliefs were being dominated by the North. The civil war had many causes but in the end it all came down to the fact that the union in the North believed that a strong central government should make laws governing all the states, whereas the confederates in the south compared the federal government in the north to the British government. They believed that the North was trying to take over their way of life, and this is why they fought for states right because their states ideas reflected their ideas and the federal government didn’t which provoked the war. They saw the civil war as the second American revolution and saw themselves as patriots fighting against a corrupt …show more content…

The north was becoming more developed and educated, and their views on the role of women and children was changing unlike the south where the majority of the population were male plantation owners and conservatives. Education reform for children, science and technology, temperance, and religion reforms were all new ideas that were emerging and spreading in the north which was the complete opposite of how the south saw America. The north and the south had completely different economies and cultures in the same country so wanted to divide as they couldn't come to an agreement; south felt as the people in the north were commanding them to change their lifestyle because it suited the Northern developed economy but did not benefit the agricultural economy the south had. The idea of sectionalism emerged, this is loyalty to the interests of one’s own region or section of the country, rather than the country as a whole. This is a precursor to separatism which caused the civil war. Each section of the United States wanted what was best for them. The South depended on slavery for their plantations, they wanted more land which gave them more money to pay their taxes and expand their business; so didn’t care to develop or move into manufacturing. The North on the other side was not happy that they had to pay

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