Through The Arc Of The Rainforest Capitalism Essay

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In Through the Arc of the Rainforest, capitalism effects Batista and Chico Paco spiritually by corrupting their mindsets to lose interest in their passion by commercializing their own businesses. Batista and his wife Tania, always lived a small simple life helping pigeons. Even though, Taina felt like Baitsa appreciated the pigeons more than her, which caused them to have a nervous type of relationship. When the pigeons arrived at the Matacão, ¨all of his pigeons couples were busy copulating on the rooftops all up and down the Matacão… if he could just be released from his invisible cage, he could beat the human record for getting back at his nest. (Yamashita 20)¨ The spiritual relationship with Tania and Batista depicts how their faith with …show more content…

The Pigeons have a special reasoning in the novel, to indicate how capitalism can easily corrupt the world. At the beginning the pigeon raising started off as a hobby for Batista and Tania, which became their passion. Even though, Batista did it for the love and recognition of the birds the most. Tania decided to promote the idea of the birds for a business, so they can utilize a profit from them. Ultimately, the pigeon business destroyed Batista love of the birds. Demonstrating how capitalism has the potential to change the passion for things we once had loved. Batista and Tania business is similar to Chico Paco´s spiritual journeys in the Matacão. Chico Paco is one of the selfless characters in the book. At the beginning, Chico Paco´s pilgrimage to the Matacão is for a personal friend, who only attracts a few people from his small community. When he arrives at the Matacão, he is soon surrounded by a whole group of worshipers. However, in the end of the novel, instead of being a spiritual program he is an industrial framework. People sent him letters for him to walk on a pilgrimage for sick loved ones, and even sent him