In Tim Burton's cold classic film titled Edward Scissorhands, he explores the idea that to understand the reality of a situation, you need to look farther and deeper into a person rather than judge their character at first sight just by their appearances. He is able to distribute and convey this idea through the film's directed lighting, leveled and precise camera angles as well as the use of framing, and the use of mixing loud and soft music and diegetic sounds. Burton’s intended purpose of the film is to educate and persuade the audience into reaching an emotional level of understanding among their peers and be able to emphasize one's character and true intentions through expressions. Lastly, in order for Burton to make his film of relevance …show more content…
During the majority of the film most music and sounds have gone slowly and quietly with calm and somewhat angelic with some eerie music being played every now and then but the film has overall shown signs of calm and happy feelings as Edward is accepted by the town for his talents. However, this does not last for long as in one specific scene Edward has shown deep loyalty and interest in Kim. Back to the film Edward decides to impress and please Kim by breaking into a house as it was an idea from her boyfriend Tim. Unlike Kim, Edward throughout the whole film has been dressed in black or in dark colors to better contrast his characteristics to the rest of the town. Once the alarm has gone off, Tim takes Kim, fleeing out of the house leaving Edward by himself dreading constantly as he tries to flee. Now in this scene the music comes so abruptly the audience does not have any time for a breather and this is when the process begins and the music has taken full control of the scene with drums blaring and very quick paces of non-diegetic music takes place. From the film the only thing that the characters in the film can hear is the fidgeting of Edwards scissorhands. Due to the music being loud and abrupt, it begins to pave the rest of the scene as Edward tries to open the door. Even after Edward exits the home the audience still feels very scared for Edward's well being. The real struggle never ends until Edward is finally arrested and taken away with the audience having a new feeling of worry and shock to ponder on what will be done to Edward. This action is what overall brings the downfall of Edward as he quickly loses the love that was given to him from the community and all that is left is fear and anger. Edward did not mean for this to happen but after a