
Time Of Change In Macbeth

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Macbeth’s time of change Humans mostly are greedy, especially those who have ambition because they always want more and more. A little push would motivate them to commit a crime to satisfy their wants like Macbeth in Shakespeare’s text. Shakespeare’s Macbeth, the main character had ambitions and humanity at the beginning. However, Macbeth was affected by the mysterious force, which reached his deepest mind and manipulated him to commit crimes. In the end, the darkness took over him by manipulating him to become an ambitious, fearless, and inhumane person to commit crimes. Therefore, due to the prophecy of mysterious force caused Macbeth to change by losing his humanity throughout each successive murder he committed. In the beginning of the story, Macbeth …show more content…

He could not endure that his wife questioned his manhood, so he committed a murder by killing his king, Duncan, which reduced his humanity. He did feel that the sin of murdering his own king. According to the text, “Will all great Neptune’s ocean wash this blood / Clean from my hand? No, this my hand will rather / The multitudinous seas incarnadine, / Making the green one red” (2.2.58-61). This shows that the murdering of Duncan had dirtied his hands because he had Duncan’s blood on his hand. He said that the blood cannot be washed off even the by the ocean. This language symbolizes that sin could not be purified easily and it would follow Macbeth forever. Nature also changed, after Duncan was murdered. According to the text, “’Tis said they eat each other” (2.4.18). This reflects the sign of evil or darkness broke the balance of nature because horses usually would not eat each other. It also could be the sign of evil or darkness changed Macbeth’s nature of humanity when he killed Duncan. Therefore, the prophecy of mysterious force caused Macbeth to change becomes less humanity because he tried to satisfy his

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