Essay On How To Be Treated

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Times I Felt Like I Was Mistreated
Have you ever felt mistreated by the way you dress, race, your religion, and disability? We as people have been through this sometimes in life. It is part of life something that we have to learn how to deal with and not get inside our feelings about. I have experienced racism a lot out of my life at school, walking down the street and more. Why do I still believe in racism? Racism began years ago when African Americans were discriminated by whites. Later Hispanics and other minorities were added to the list of the ones who were being discriminated. After African American were given their equal rights, we thought racism was over, but we were wrong. Nowadays there is still several of us who discriminate people because of the color of their skin or their background. The only difference there is is that whites were added to the ones who are being discriminated. Making racism all against all.I know this is part of being a human and I know racism will never end and I have more coming to my life.

Racism is important to talk about nowadays not because of history but because racism is still alive …show more content…

Racism is everywhere you go and 50 states. There is racism when you go to the school, church, store, and outside. We have racist people because people don't like you based on your skin color or they don't like you because you don't look like them. I think racist people should not be able to be up in the world because it got us we are all family. There are many people say about racism doesn't exist. People believe that by people have a lot of problems because I have back probably just culture, repetition, violence, and people say we're lazy. They say this is not racism it the facts. A lot of white people think African-American does not want an education they think that we always want to drop out and get pregnant and work at a fast food