
Tite Poulette Compare And Contrast

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In both short stories, Tite and The Little Convent Girl they are made to be believed they are mixed. Their mothers were black and their fathers were white. In “Tite Poulette” by Geoge Washington Cable, Madame John had to pretend to be black in order to adopt Tite since she did come from a Spanish heritage. In “The Little Convent Girl” by Grace King, her father was white who kept her away from her mother after a disagreement by keeping her in a convent for twelve years. She hasn’t seen her mother since she was an infant. Even though they are both similar by race, both of these women have different fates. George Washington Cable’s “Tite Poulette” has a happy ending while “The Little Convent Girl” by Grace King has a tragic ending. Both authors …show more content…

Tite Poulette was the daughter of a Spanish gentleman and Spanish lady who died of yellow fever when arriving to New Orleans. Moniseur John gave the Spanish gentleman coffee and toast which caused him to die of yellow fever. Feeling guilty about their death, Monsieur John felt responsible for the child, Tite. Before dying, he thanks Madame John for being so good to him and gave her his home. He also tells her that there will be no one to take care of Tite and he knew she would be in good hands with Madame John. Madame John claims that is her child because she knows she would be taken away otherwise. In the little convent girl, she didn’t have anyone after her father passed which is why she was so excited to see her mother. Her first contact ever with the outside world was on the boat on her way to New Orleans. The captain took her out for the first time to see the boat make a landing and she loved it so much she would stay all day. He also told her about the flowing of the great Mississippi River. Once she made it to New Orleans and everyone on board seen her mother was colored, they all began to ignore her as she leaves the boat. This is when she began to receive different outlooks because she was of a mixed race. She wasn’t able to adapt to society and her own mother didn’t even want her. The little convent girl ends her life because she didn’t have anyone while Madame and Monieur John was doing everything they can to keep Tite

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