
To Kill A Mockingbird Analysis

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The novel “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee, it teaches many lessons and is studied in many schools. It’s about how Scout (Jean Louise) Finch’s childhood was like. She tells the readers her memories from her point of view. From how her and Jem met Dill, to her going to school, always wondering about Boo Radley, and to her father’s, Atticus Finch, trial with Tom Robinson. A mockingbird is a bird that symbolizes peace and brings no harm to anyone. It’s a sin to kill one because the birds don’t do anything to people, it’s just a peaceful animal. The way a mockingbird develops the theme of this book is by connecting the meaning of a mockingbird to the novel. This novel talks a lot about racism and how it was back then in that point of time
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