To Kill a Mockingbird is a novel that delves into the inner workings of Southern society in Maycomb County, an imaginary town that epitomizes the South in the twentieth century. Scout, an innocent and young but tomboyish girl, is directly exposed to the racial prejudices at the time as her father takes on trial of Tom Robinson, an African American who was charged of rape by the poverty-stricken Ewell family. As a result, Scout faces the reactions from the town and views the trial firsthand, leading her onward to maturation as she realizes how the biased society can’t truly provide justice. In her successful search for justice, her steady development leads to a loss of innocence from her initially naive perceptions, revealing her eventual acceptance of how morality can exist even in times of …show more content…
Though she did not understand the true significance of the situation, she felt that “they must be cold-natured,” suggesting how she recognized the seriousness of the situation (204). When Scout’s kicking is futile, she followed Atticus’s advice by “talk[ing] to people about what they were interested in” to Mr. Cunningham “to make him feel at home” and successfully lessen the tension by discussing various parts of Mr. Cunningham’s life (205). Her actions demonstrate how she started to mature as she places more importance for Mr. Cunningham’s emotions instead of her own. Additionally, Scout’s talking reminded Mr. Cunningham of how Atticus’s deeds as he had assisted him greatly by performing legal work in exchange for mere hickory nuts and is only doing the duty given to him. Therefore, Scout continually experiences growth in her views of justice as she becomes more righteous by being perceptive and compassionate of those around her, allowing her to become more aware of the conditions around