
To Kill A Mockingbird And Animal Farm Analysis

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Power, is a everwanting trait of humans. Power exerts a assertive force to move social status, making good turn bad; making bad turn to good. Power as mentioned by authors of these two books, to kill a mockingbird and animal farm, Harper Lee and George Orwell, respectively. Use their text to criticise the usage of power in current society by demonstrating the miss usage of knowledge and tyranny, foreshadowing the danger in real human society, while setting up expectations of future by appealing the usage power, through objection to readers as an ideal to keep society upright. Consequently, these two authors clarifies definition on correct usage of gain power.
The false usage of Knowledge is shown clearly in Orwell’s book of animal farm. It …show more content…

As seen in both text of animal farm and to kill a mockingbird, there is one type of power that relies on theme of hope, the power of objection. Objecting the negative influences in power makes the power positive, and that is reason why the authors wrote this book. To prove the power that objecting might have, as seen in the book of animal farm, reason of exiling of Snowball was to gain power of knowledge, but it is also a removal of objecting force, the opposition, when Snowball was in place, the animal farm was running smoothly. “‘Vote for Snowball and the three-day week’ and ‘Vote for Napoleon and the full manger’” (Orwell 21). Before Snowball was forced out of the farm, the procedure of farm was running smoothly, without a problem. There is no sign of corruption through a process of voting, every animal has the right to share ideas. However, Napoleon later realises with this power, the power of objection, he cannot move very far with his opinions, since there is always one to correct his idea. Later, he decides remove Snowball since the power that he exerts through power of negation was simply too much. Similarly, the story of to kill a mockingbird, through a characteristic of coming of age story. Jem have figured out that a killing of innocents such as Tom Robinson, was something that was against ethics.“Doesn’t make it right,” said Jem stolidly. He beat his fist softly on his knee. “You just can’t convict a man on evidence like that—you can’t” (Orwell 224). Making an objection, by going against social taboos which is ethically disagreeing, generate power that, consequently makes Jem more

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