Power In Kurt Vonnegut's Miss Temptation

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Power in today’s can be used in many different forms such as to show strength, rank, encouraging others, being an influence, being a leader, and much more. The way you use power in a situation can have a positive or negative impact on an individual, community, country, nation, or even the world. In the short story “Miss Temptation” by Kurt Vonnegut, he describe how power can impact an individual way of thinking of others due to past experiences. Power can anything one allows to have a dominance over their lives. It is the ability to direct or influence the behavior of others or the course of events. Unfortunately, power has the ability to change ones perspective or belief in something. It is for one to decide if they want to overcome power …show more content…

VOICE! Corporal Norman Fuller, a man who just came back from eighteen months in Korea for war and, Susanna, a young woman who came to town over the summer to act in plays. Susanna had a dominance over the town before Fuller came back from war. Her beauty had great power over the whole town. They would know her daily routine and follow it constantly waiting for her to come out her house. Her power is not only beauty but fame took control since she was a beauty actor. But when Fuller came back into town everything changed. In the text it explains Fullers power over Susanna with just a few sentences. “You come in here with bells on your ankles, so’s I’ll have to look at your ankles and your pretty pink feet,” said Fuller. “You call an old man an angel, so’s I’ll have to think about what it’d be like to be called an angel by you,” said Fuller… Hardly anyone noticed that his indictment had reduced Susanna to ashes of what she’d been moments before. Susanna now looked like what she really was—a muddle-headed nineteen-year-old clinging to a tiny corner of sophistication”. The text above shows how Voice can be used as power to diminish someone else’s power. Fuller did not know he his words would have such an impact on Susanna heart. He thought she had so much pride that it was finally time for someone like him to speak up and voice