To Kill A Mockingbird Chapter 17 Answers

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Name: Jarett Goldstein Section: 83 To Kill A Mockingbird - Chapter 17 Type your answers in complete sentences; Print them out; Bring To Class As said in class, I will be grading you MAINLY on your Significant Points in terms of how they show you are thinking about what you are reading and making your own deductions, ideas, perspectives etc. FIVE Important Events: BE SPECIFIC. Use bullets or number them. Mr. Ewell is left handed Describes Ewells home Nobody called a doctor To clear court to be polite Atticus repeats himself a lot TWO Significant Points: What do you think any of the events you’ve chosen SHOW about the development of the characters, plot, themes, etc. in this novel. …show more content…

Also the whole town knows that the Ewells are crazy because the Bob only drinks and hunts for his family. He can hunt all year round because of his state of mind. This shows that he is a crazy man who would lie about this kind of things just to put a black man in jail. This also shows that the town is very racists. Another significant point that is shown in this chapter that we already know is that Atticus is not racist. In this chapter it is shown even more than any other chapter because Atticus is really trying hard to win the case for Tom and his family. Another point is that Jem is babying Scout when Reverend Sykes tell Jem to take Scout home. Scout says she wants to stay and Jem tells Reverend Sykes that it does not matter she doesn't understand what is happening. This shows that Jem thinks that Scout is very young and does not understand what is