
To Kill A Mockingbird Coming Of Age Analysis

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To Kill a Mockingbird is important for teenagers to read because as states in many summaries or writing pieces, this book is about coming of age and the harshness of reality. This is not always an easy task for a few reasons. For example, learning that the world is not rainbows and butterflies is a hard, concept for people to grasp. People all over the world struggle to get through life and this book shows how life really is for all races, ethnicities,and lgbt people. The characters and their stories in To Kill a Mockingbird will bring a touching reality to anybody that reads it. The story of Atticus and Finch and his family will be beautiful and heartbreaking, though there is a silver lining. Jem and Scout Finch will learn from society that …show more content…

Jem now knows that people have a reason for everything that they do even if it is wrong. “I think I’m beginning to understand why Boo Radley’s stayed shut up in the house all the time...It’s because he wants to stay inside.”Jem is finally understanding that people do the things that do because they have their own reasons or lives that make them think a certain way. Boo Radley is stuck in his house or held captive in there, and wants to stay inside so that he can be to themself. “His eyebrows were becoming heavier, and a new slimness about his body. He was getting taller.” Not only was Jem getting subconsciously older, but he was physically maturing as well. His growth spurt had hit him and he was realizing that the he was finally growing. He was going to play football and he was going to be a gentleman to everyone he met. Jem Finch had to learn to stay strong for his little sister and his family. His father was a very kind and peaceful man and taught Jem the right way of being a boy and a

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