To Kill A Mockingbird Defense Lawyer Essay

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Defense attorneys are considered to be one of the most important aspects of a case. The way they decide to go about their case effects verdicts immensely. Samuel Leibowitz, the defense attorney for the Scottsboro Boys case, and Atticus, from To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, are both defense attorneys put in difficult positions and tasked with controversial cases. They were given the difficult duty of defending a black man accused of raping a white woman, in a time filled with prejudice. A white woman’s word was always valued over a black man’s, making the case extremely arduous. Despite their different approaches and backgrounds, attorneys Leibowitz and Finch had both done outstanding jobs in their challenging cases.

Both attorney Atticus Finch and attorney Samuel Leibowitz were considered to be the best in the business. When looked at side by side, it is difficult to choose which attorney approached their cases better. Though, they both did have specific weaknesses. Attorney Leibowitz had an amazing track record, and had never lost a case. It is stated that he “wanted to make a name for himself,” and could simply not turn this case down. When looking at the case in particular, however, there are some vital flaws. He wasn’t from the South, and he did not …show more content…

Although it is unfortunate cases, such as the Scottsboro Boys and the one presented in To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, only highlight some of the intense racism and prejudice black people experience during this time period. Even though it has gotten better, we are still a long way away from being equal. Humans are not exact copies of each other. When this simple fact is accepted, the amount of tragedies humans face will tremendously