To Kill A Mockingbird Emotional Courage Analysis

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The definition of emotional courage is the ability to leave one's comfort zone or a sense of safety in an uncomfortable situation. In the novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. The character Scout shows a lot of emotional courage which leads to a better outcome When an individual struggles with an experience that they don't understand and/or comprehend which makes them confused or make them step out of their comfort zone, They often have to display a sorta of emotional courage so that the experience does not scar them. As a result, they can get through the experience and not let it affect their action and later thoughts. It can also end up helping them later on.
In Harper Lee's story, the character Scout is faced with a lot of situations where she feels uncomfortable and doesn't understand what is happening. This is apparent when she confronts the men outside the jail and does not understand why the people are calling Tom Robinson racial slurs. She shows a lot of emotional courage in this situation because she was put on the spotlight and stayed calm. As a result, she helped her father keep Tom Robinson save and made the men leave. Even though the experience was very uncomfortable she did not panic and got through it. …show more content…

Because they do not know what is going to happen and she does not understand why he would not come out. She has to show a lot of emotional courage when they are trying to make boo come out. As a result, they end up getting Boo to come out and save them from a stranger who was trying to kill them. This was a situation where they were not sure about the situation but continued anyway and ended up being saved by Boo. Even though the kids did not understand why Boo wanted to stay inside they kept trying to make him come