To Kill A Mockingbird Essays: Discrimination In Today's Society

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Discrimination in Today's Society

From the beginning of time there has been racial and social inequality. Although it seems things get better, no one will ever be truly equal. To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, shows that history always repeats itself. Even though there is still discrimination, the novel shows that people and things can change also. “African-Americans aged 12 and up are the most victimized group in America. 41.7 over 1000 are victims of violent crime, compared with whites (36.3 over 1000). This is not including murder.” Discrimination still exists today. It has been around since the start of mankind and will continue in the future. To Kill a Mockingbird shows these inequalities, as well as other sources and real world problems/actions. …show more content…

Atticus Finch, the protagonist in the story, explains racism well. “Nigger-lover is just one of those terms that don't mean anything… ignorant trashy people use it when they think someone’s favoring negroes above themselves. It's slipped into usage with some people like ourselves, when they want a common, ugly term to label somebody.” (Lee 107-108) The quote explains racism as well as why people use discriminatory words to bring down a race. When Atticus defends a negro that is accused of a crime, he and his family get singled out and are treated differently just because he is doing his job as a lawyer. Not only is racial inequality still a part of today's society, there is also social