To Kill A Mockingbird Essays: Personal Experiences

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I was only 13 years old, but I was so close to achieving the rank of Eagle Scout. The only major obstacle that stood between me and attaining Scouting’s highest honor was completing my Eagle Scout Leadership service project. I thought to myself, It will only be about a year to complete this, so I should be done relatively soon. Or, so I thought. I was working with Gilda’s Club in Hackensack, New Jersey to brainstorm some ideas for what could be done for my Eagle Project. After a couple of weeks of going back and forth, we agreed on hosting a carnival for those who were affected by cancer, whether it was the person who was actually afflicted by the disease or their family who fought alongside with them. Both the volunteers at Gilda’s Club and I knew the hardships that families have to endure when battling cancer, and we wanted them to have a day to …show more content…

All of the information needed was being thought out, and I was ready to start filling out the paperwork. However, it did not take very long for something completely unexpected to happen. During the middle of August, I called Gilda’s Club to arrange one final meeting before I completed the paperwork; they informed me that they were dealing with some issues and asked me to check back in a couple of weeks. I was not told exactly what issue they were referring to, but I planned to call them again later. However, right before one of my troop meetings, one of my Scoutmasters informed me that Gilda’s Club was closing down due to monetary issues. I could not believe what I just heard, but I quickly found an article confirming his news. I felt so much frustration on the unbelievably unfortunate circumstance that arose. All those months of planning and the momentum that was built over time was lost in a matter of seconds. Now, I had to start all over again, turning from what I presumed to only be about a several month process to a 3-year-long