
To Kill A Mockingbird Family Essay

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How do normal families function? Is it a nice atmosphere or a chaotic one at times where everything seems impossible to solve? With the Finch’s family, it's all but chaos in their small little community. In To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, the theme of the Finch’s family values is present by the countless family drama and disagreements in this books classic adventures.
To Kill a Mockingbird is narrated by a little tomboy who lives in a small town in Maycomb County located in Alabama by the name of Jean Louise Finch, who is always called by her nickname, Scout, unless being screamed at by her father Atticus. The family has countless moments as to where you can find them arguing with one another on who is right and how thing should be …show more content…

Although racism was a dilemma across the country, it could mainly be found in the deep south portion of the United States in such states as Mississippi, South Carolina, and Alabama. In the Finch's household, they had a maid by the name of Calpurnia who is of the African American race. The Finch’s have had Calpurnia around since the tragic death of Scout and Jem's mom. Calpurnia has helped the children with their school work and other activities such as religion. Since Aunt Alexandra has come along, she believes that Calpurnia should go to not have the families name have a target on their back just for Calpurnia being black, "Alexandra, Calpurnia's not leaving this house until she wants to. You may think otherwise, but I couldn't have got along without her all these years. She's a faithful member of this family and you'll simply have to accept things the way they are." (Lee 14.28) Atticus defends the staying of Calpurnia and proves that she is a key part in the success of the families lives and betterment of their future. Without their maid, the family would have to lead onto Atticus to cook, clean, and help the children with all their

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