To Kill A Mockingbird Finch Family

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The stubbornness the Finch family possesses makes them courageous and strong despite what others say. To Kill a Mockingbird is a book written by Harper Lee that discusses racism and inequality during the early 1930s. The 1930s were a time of great depression where everyone was struggling to provide for their families. The main character of this book is Scout, Scout is a young girl who lives in Maycomb County with her father, Atticus and her older brother, Jem. Atticus is well known and adored by his neighbors for his commitment to his job as a Lawyer, he brings a lot of respect to the Finch family. In Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird, the finch family all show their courage in different ways to face difficult situations. In Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird, the …show more content…

He is seen as a moody and annoying teenage boy, but in reality he's extremely protective of his younger sister Scout. Jem throughout the novel constantly tries to protect Scout, Scout sees it as being told what to do and hates it but it's just Jem being protective. He tries to hide the certain details of the court case to protect his sister and most importantly he risks her life for her when she was being attacked by Bob Ewell. After the trial, Bob Ewell had his reputation destroyed and he went to seek revenge by attacking people who played a major role in the trial. Bob runs after Jem and Scout and attempts to kill them, throughout this whole scuffle Jem constantly tries to protect Scout. “He was up like lightning and pulling me with him” (page 351) in this quote Jem can be seen getting up after Bob's attacks to run off with his sister and protect her. The ability to protect others despite them being unable to see what they are doing for you takes pure courage and bravery, he risked everything to protect Scout and ensure that his family was