
To Kill A Mockingbird Movie Analysis

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There are several life lessons that can be taken away from the screenplay To Kill a Mockingbird by Horton Foote. In the screenplay people are being judged for the color of their skin, their status in society, or the rumors that people falsely spread about them. For example Scout and Jem spend their lives fearing and hearing stories about Boo Radley, leading them to believe that he is mentally insane. Also people judge Tom Robinson just because he is African American. By the end of the screenplay the theme that can be found in that you should never judge a person before you know them. One of the very first situation that proves that you should never draw conclusions in Tom Robinson being accused for beating and raping Mayella Ewell. Even though there is plenty of evidence that proves Mr. Robinson, a black man, innocent, the jury which is entirely made up of white men decides that he is guilty. Another reason that Tom Robinson was …show more content…

The three children Dill, Scout, and Jem hear stories about Boo trying to kill his dad with a knife and imagine what he looks likes and they believe he is a monster. Dill’s aunt Stephanie even joins in on the stories by telling the kids “They wanted to send him to an asylum, but his daddy said no Radley was going to any asylum. So they locked him up in the basement of the courthouse till he nearly died of the damp, and his daddy brought him home” (Foote 13). Even after people said all of these awful things about Boo he was able to look past it enough to have the compassion to save the lives of Scout and Jem when Mr.Ewell attacked them. People in the town feared Arthur Radley, they thought he was crazy, but it turns out he was not, he had enough kindness in him to save Scout and Jem. As it turns out Boo was the opposite of what people thought he was, so you can learn that you should never judge a book by its

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