To Kill A Mockingbird Quotes

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Harper Lee quotes in her famous novel to Kill a Mockingbird “As you grow older, you’ll see white men cheat black men every day of your life, but let me tell you something and don’t you forget it, whenever a white man does that to a black man, no matter who he is, how rich he is, or how fine a family he comes from, that white man is trash”. Many novels were published around this time period, but one of the most popular is to Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. Her novel demonstrates how people acted back then, showing how they were discriminative and how they treated the white people compared to the black people. Jean Louise Finch narrates through her childhood name Scout and how she sees racism in her eyes. The book takes place in Maycomb County …show more content…

His daughter lied and told his father that he was raping her even though she told him to come in the house and bust the chiffarobe. After the trial was over he saw Atticus in the post office and threatened him. Miss Stephanie said this to tell readers what happened: that morning, “This morning, Mr. Bob Ewell stopped Atticus in the post office this morning, spat in his face, and told him he’d get him if it took the rest of his life”(Lee 290). Bob Ewell said this because he was mad that Atticus was defending Tom Robinson and Tom was black and looked down on by the people in Maycomb County. Bob Ewell also said this because he thinks that the Finch’s family is a disgrace by choosing to defend Tom Robinson because he thinks that they shouldn't get the same rights as the white people. Also Scout explains that Bob Ewell was “slowly he was squeezing the life out of me”(Lee 350). This is how Bob Ewell was trying to get his revenge on Atticus, he was going to kill Jem and Scout because he was still mad that a white person defended a black person that was “accused” of raping his daughter which was a lie. Fortunately for Jem and Scout he didn't kill them, a mysterious character Boo Radley, who they were trying to see all book came out of nowhere and killed Bob …show more content…

Merriweather. Mrs. Merriweather showed racism during the tea party when they were talking about the outcome and how the blacks were really depressed but she added in to their conversation “I do not like my sulky darky, my Sophy if she would’ve kept it up for one more day I would've let her go”(Lee 311). Mrs Merriweather said that about Sophy because she was depressed on the way that the trial outcome was, so Sophy was not doing things like she usually does. But Mrs Merriweather would’ve let her go but she kind of felt sorry for Sophy because she need the money every day to support and feed her family. This is an example of she is kind of racist but not as racist as others because she had the heart to let Sophy stay and earn the money to support her family. Later in the gathering Mrs Merriweather also added on another topic that led into more racist remarks “hypocrites, Mrs Perkins, born hypocrites. At least we don't have that sin on our shoulders down here. People up there set em free, but you don't see em setting at the table with em. At least we don't have the deceit to say to em, yes you are as good as me, but stay away from us. We just say, you live you way, and we’ll live ours. I think that woman, that Mrs. Roosevelt's lost her mind, just plain lost her mind coming down to birmingham, tryin to sit with em. If i was mayor of Birmingham I’d (Lee 313). But after that Scout said if she was