
To Kill A Mockingbird Response

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Jeevan Anand MAJOR WORKS REVIEW General 1. Title- To Kill a Mockingbird 2. Author- Harper Lee 3. Date of Original Publication- July 11, 1960 4. Novel Type- Historical fiction Structure 1. Point of View- Jean Louise Finch 2. Relationship to meaning: Scout is a citizen of Maycomb and is a child that is still going learning about her town and the people in it. So the book is written in perspective of the child seeing everything in a new light. So we see the trial through Scout's perspective so she has no racial prejudice and is still innocent. 3. Plot Structure a. Exposition: The exposition takes place mostly in the first chapter where the Finches, Dill, and Boo are introduce as well as the …show more content…

Inciting Incident : When Scout figures out that Atticus is defending a black man that is on trial for rape is the start of the conflict. c. Events contributing to rising action: The Jem and Scout got more intrigued with Boo Radley and the Radley house as time passed. The trial starts and Tom is proved more innocent as each day goes on and Atticus starts to build up more and more evidence on Bob Ewell. Now Scout and Jem are convinced the Tom is innocent and are sure that Tom will be proven innocent and meanwhile Scout starts to understand her town Maycomb more and more. d. Climax (Crisis/turning point) : When Tom Robinson is convicted and Atticus loses his case after his strong closing argument and the jury took a long time to decide a verdict. e. Events contributing to falling action: Tom is sent to jail but then the town is told he tried to escape and was shot 17 times killing him. Scout understands the towns Racial prejudice and knows that Maycomb is racist and is not the perfect little town she thought it was. f. Resolution: The resolution is when Boo Radley runs to save Scout and Jem while they are being attacked by Bob Ewell and then kills Ewell and helps Jem back to the Finches house. Then Heck Tate knows that Boo killed Bob Ewell but he doesn't tell anyone because he doesn't want Boo to have to go through the attention of a …show more content…

Characteristics and thematic significance : Scout is an innocent child that has no racial prejudice and that allows her to see things differently than the rest of Maycomb. She is also and stubborn girl that unlike her older brother always fights with Calpurnia and questions her. This is partly due to the fact that Cal or Calpurnia starts treating Jem with a lot more respect and has started calling him”mister Jem” . She also has always been against being a lady because she thinks she should be able to be herself not this pretty perfect women. Then she quickly realizes that that's not the only job that comes with being a lady and a lady must be strong and she respects her Aunt Alexandra for that much more than she did before. She is also very adventurous and loves to find knew things like when they go around the Radley

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