To Kill A Mockingbird Act 1 Scene 1 Summary

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Scene 1 *This scene is all seen through Scout’s eyes. (Front door slams. Heavy footsteps can be heard approaching. Atticus makes his way to the ladies.) Atticus: “Excuse me, ladies. Go right on ahead with your meeting, don’t let me disturb you. Alexandra, could you come into the kitchen a minute? I want to borrow Calpurnia for a while.” (We walk out with Alexandra and enter the kitchen with Atticus and Cal) Alexandra: “What’s the matter Atticus?” Atticus: “Tom’s Dead.” (Stunned looks. Alexandria puts her hands to her mouth.) Atticus: “They shot him. He was running during their exercise period. They said he just broke into a blind raving charge at the fence and started climbing over. Right in front of them-” (Transitions into scene two) …show more content…

They run right at Snowball and Snowball flees from the room, squealing at the top of his lungs.) Scene 5 Narrator #3: *sighs contently* That’s by far my favorite part of all of Animal Farm, that is, besides the execution scene. (Narrator #4 looks at Narrator #3 like she’s mental.) Narrator #3: Anyways, I don’t understand how these two stories are related. Narrator #1 & #2: *In sync* That’s what we’re here for! Narrator #1: Don’t worry, *dramatically pulls out clipboard* we got you covered. Narrator #3: Oh joy. Learning time. Narrator #4: You’d better be good at explaining things. Narrator #2: Oh, believe me, We got this. Narrator #1: You see, there are many approaches I could take to show you how similar they are. But, in order to not confuse you, I’ll keep it simple.(Puts some glasses on goes into a very elaborate explanation of why the two stories are related. During the speech...) I also have this real-life example. Scene 6 (Text scrolls across the screen: This scene is only based on factual evidence. This is not what actually