To Wear A Dead Birds Wings Language Analysis

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For my critical analysis, I have chosen an excerpt from one of my creative documents and have chosen to analyse the use of language in the piece. The work is titled ‘To Wear a Dead Birds Wings’ and this piece of work is from the beginning of the novel in which the main character is held prisoner and has reached the point of insanity. In this creative piece, the use of language is intentionally poetic and symbolic, with intentions of having the reader question what is real and what is not. However the piece is largely expressive, it is not without its faults. Within this analysis, I plan to point out the pleasing aspects of the passage and the displeasing aspects. Though to adequately analyse a piece of work, I first must understand the meaning …show more content…

Symbolism is defined as the use of representations to signify ideas and qualities by giving them symbolic meanings that are different from their literal sense. In saying this, symbolism can take different forms. Generally, it is an object representing another to give it an entirely different meaning that is much deeper and more significant. Examples of such symbols are written within the passage through imagery. “All I could do was whisper at the white eyed creature to leave me alone. To stare at the blood dripping walls. And to hold the rats to my chest and sing.” Though the symbolic language in the piece is intended to be poetic in a sense, the reader may not understand the intentions behind the symbolism. Often times it can be difficult to articulate the idea behind a symbol. Nonetheless, as this is the beginning of a novel, the use of symbols within this extract would later be understood as the reader comes to better know the character and the story behind her. Along with these creative techniques, there is one obvious factor that can make or break the effectiveness of language within an academic or creative piece of