
To What Extent Are Artificial Coral Reefs Are Beneficial To The Marine Environment

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Are artificial coral reefs beneficial for the marine environment?

Overtime societies all over the world have used artificial coral reefs to embetter the marine environment by using large objects usually made for a different purpose that resemble certain natural reef characteristics. These artificial reefs are man-made underwater structures that are at times done on purpose and most commonly done by accident.1 There are many different kinds of artificial coral reefs, for example, wrecks, such as shipwrecks, sunken cars, bicycles, or oil rigs. Some of these structures are sunk on purpose, others were accidentally left alone underwater forming overtime its own artificial coral reefs forming an artificial habitat for fish and other organisms. …show more content…

Since Australia is an island therefore surrounded by water, underwater attractions, activities, and beaches make up a huge portion in their day to day tourism. Which is also a key factor into their economy. These artificial reefs attract many scuba divers and surfers increasing tourism. Especially since in 2016 according to the World Travel and Tourism Council, “ Travel and Tourism Economic Impact 2017 in Australia”, tourism contributed to about 10.9 percent of Australia’s overall GDP. 3 Australia’s greatest marine attraction is the Great Barrier Reef, which is one of the most popular and largest reefs in in the world, yet due to climate change has lost more than 67 percent of its coral in shallow waters, over the years due to bleaching. Importantly, the Great Barrier Reef is worth 56 billion dollars towards Australia’s economy from its tourism.4 Thus, having a functioning and attracting reef is vital for Australia’s economy. Building artificial reefs rehabilitates all the marine environments lost giving fish and other animals a place to thrive and embetter the already existing natural reefs. Another important factor in Australia, is that these artificial coral reefs act to rehabilitate fish populations promoting marine life. The artificial reefs help aid in creating a natural basis for rejuvenating coral growth. So not only do these artificial reefs help restore marine life lost at …show more content…

Firstly, National Geographic was used to show why artificial reefs were needed and what they use. Thus because they use bamboo modules and tires, the site showed statistical proof how the tires and bamboo modules helped recover many of the lost natural corals. As well as increasing fisheries, a key factor in the Philippines economy, which is why according to National Geographic the Philippines finds artificial coral reefs more beneficial for their marine environment. Although, using these tires, many marine activist sites, have stated that the tires have been known to release toxic chemicals that harm the animal life surrounding. Therefore, doing more harm than good proving the reefs are a disadvantage. There was no statistical evidence but it swayed the audience with an emotional standpoint about how the animals are being

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