
Great Barrier Reef Informative Speech

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Good ay Everyone! Its Bindi Irwin!

Parents and kids welcome to the Australia zoo and I hope you’re having a good day so far. Now today we are going to be talking about the Rumors and myths of Great Barrier Reef and global warming.

Ok now some random facts about the Great Barrier Reef:

Whoever tells you the Great Barrier Reef is being bleached is a liar!

The Great Barrier Reef is getting better as you can tell from these photos

Look I’ve been studying animals for a long time. And when I mean studying I mean feeding and wrestling, HA HA HA HA

From “Studying” these fishes I have concluded that if they didn’t like something they would move; I mean they have the whole coral sea for god sake.

Just like the polar bears and sea lions moved when …show more content…

If you know these three things and don’t want to go, I’ll give you a free copy of my un-edited overpopulation essay. Okay? okay

Let me go over all of the things that people say about Great Barrier Reef that is false but I’ll tell you the scientific answer.

Coral is dying. No, it’s not the bleach is not. did you just see my photos? they look the same as they did when I went there with my dad.

Global Warming is real. AS IF. If you are the type of person that believes in that then you must believe in alien, when people ask me do I believe in global warming an alien pops in my head that how ridicules that idea is.

And a thing that I get all the time. How long do you think the Great Barrier Reef is going to survive? The Great Barrier Reef is the heart of the Australian ocean. The Great Barrier Reef is going to live until the earths last days alive. And will have a soul of a youth and a face of a baby.

Okay that is all I have for today on the Great Barrier Reef. Remember that the hater are going to hate and because global warming is fake dory is going to keep swimming. Ladies and gentle men, boys and girls have the best time of your life at the AUSTRALIA ZOO SEE YA

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