To What Extent Are The Functional Groups Responsible For The Specific Properties Of Biological Molecules

776 Words4 Pages

Lacey Bassler

1. Functional groups are responsible for the specific characteristics of chemical reactions for the molecules they are attached to. Functional groups are linked to each other and the molecule by covalent bonds. A hydroxyl group is polar due to the high electronegativity of oxygen and it forms hydrogen bonds with water which helps dissolve compounds. A carboxyl group acts as an acid because of the high polarity between the covalent bond of oxygen and hydrogen. An amino group acts as a base and can attract a hydrogen atom from the surrounding solution.

2. A cell is the smallest unit that is alive because it is self-sufficient, has a specific function, and has a definite structure. A cell also has order, evolutionary adaption, regulation, energy processing, growth and development, response to the environment, and can reproduce. All these qualities are included in the properties of life.

3. In asexual reproduction, a single parent passes copies of all its genes to its offspring without the combining of gametes. Offspring of asexual reproduction are produced by mitosis which creates two identical cells to that of the parent. In sexual reproduction, …show more content…

Water has unique properties that are crucial to the survival of living cells. Cohesion is one of water’s many properties. Cohesion is when hydrogen bonds hold a substance together; water forms many hydrogen bonds making it more fixed than other liquids. This aids in the transport of water and nutrients up roots in plants against gravity. Water also has a very high specific heat, meaning it can absorb or release a large amount of heat with only a minor change in its own temperature. This property of water secures the temperature of oceans, creating favorable conditions for marine life. When most liquids freeze, they tend to become denser, but solid water expands when it solidifies, making it less dense. This allows ice to float on top of water insulating and sustaining life below the

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