To What Extent Can We Make Sense Of Political Parties

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Ciara Collins
PS 122: American Politics: Issues and Institutions
Essay One

How can we make sense of political parties in the United States? Are they coalitions of politicians designed to enable the latter’s re-election, leadership organizations aiding effective governance, mass movements of people, or strategic alliances of activists and interests? Using the reading from the semester, analyze and compare these competing understanding and offer your own analysis as to which is the most convincing characterization. In your answer you should consider the manner in which political parties operate in Congress.
The United States of America originally began with no political parties. However, as differences in opinion on certain matters pertaining to the …show more content…

On the other hand, it makes things a lot easier for us, as voters, as Americans and as someday maybe as candidates. Are class discussions have showed me that everyone has different viewpoints on every topic we talk about, even the discussions we had on political parties is a different idea to what a political party is and how do we make sense of them. It is just like Democracy, we all have a different idea on the terms of Democracy. Michael Saward the author of The Terms of Democracy says for common approaches to defining democracy, one being “ruled by the people” but people love to argue the meaning and come up with a new one. It all comes down to the way we make sense of it.
Political parties are to create organization in government; it allows people to classify in a group, which is what I believe a political party is and how I make sense out of it. People might agree to what I believe a political party is but always has more to say about it. Although I believe that are political parties are corrupt, I also think are Congress would fall apart with political