To What Extent Did The Enlightenment Participation In The French Revolution

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Enlightenment Participation in the French Revolution According to Edmund Broke, the people who were responsible for the French revolution are the French Enlightenment philosophers. This argument was elaborated and taken up by various historians such as Lord Acton and Tocqueville. There were some ideas that were suggested by the philosophers. These ideas included the collapse of some old the régime that that had consequences of various factors such as social unrest, economic problems, and some conflicting ambitions of various conflicting individuals and groups. However, in the revolution that was unfolding was affected by various factors such as what was said and thought, as well as what was being advocated. These factors were expressed through various categories that came from the enlightenment of the political theorists (Baker & Keith Michael 59). The theorists were however not ready to share their ideas. However, this fact did not animate the French revolution through a revolutionary program. The French revolution was made through series of phases, unlike the American and English revolutions. Each phase has amounted to a revolution that repudiated the revolutionists who were making one policy to adopt another (Baker & Keith Michael 96). These …show more content…

This dream involved the devolvement of a large share of sovereignty. This dream was considered unrealistic in May 1789 at a meeting of the estate generals. The orders that were privileged were proven more eager as they were to hold on to the privileges rather than acceding to the powers that Montesquieu wished that he had. Instead, the less privileged groups were the groups that were represented in the third estate. These groups included the common people who demanded shares in the sovereignty of their nation using a crown (Goodman & Dena