In the year 1600, tobacco spread all through the United States and in the nations around it. To the people in America, tobacco smoking was taken as a tradition which they all had adopted. By the year 1604, James I the king of England, opposed tobacco smoking, saying that it would cause wild behaviors to the people. By then, tobacco smoking had become a habit for most of the people in England and they begged to be allowed to continue doing it. In the year 1612, tobacco was planted not only to be consumed now but also as a cash crop. Since this year, people have started viewing tobacco as a source of income. After this, tobacco would be grown and in the year 1613, the first ship arrived in London where it took tobacco. The tobacco was sold and …show more content…
Later in the year 1633, the king of England imposed tax on tobacco. He said he did so because it had negative impacts to the people in England. He also claimed that tobacco had been brought in large quantity and therefore thought argued that by imposing tax its quantity would reduce. In the year 1656, the Massachusetts General Court passed a law which required every town to have a pub. As a result, the amount of liquor produced increased and more people consumed it. This became a big threat to the society which led to more diseases and deaths caused by the consumption of the liquor in large quantities (Lockwood, 1977). By the year 1750, the export of tobacco from the United States increased. In the late 1770, the amount of liquor consumed in the United States increased to about 7.5 million gallons of the rum liquor per year. Nearly, more than 1.7 million people were consuming the rum liquor per year in 1770. In the same year, the amount of rum liquor produced and exported from the United States …show more content…
However, the New York Times wrote against cigarette smoking, which was now turning to be normal to most of the people. The New York Times argued that cigarette smoking was causing so many diseases to people and that this would easily cause deaths to a lot of people. A cigarette making machine was founded on April in the year 1884. The machine was automatic and produce up to 120000 cigarettes per day. Due to the increase in the production of cigarettes, the cost of tobacco in the United States reduced. This meant that the people consuming tobacco could increase as a result of its reduced price (Shukla, Crump & Chrisco, 2012). It also meant that the amount of cigarettes exported from the United States would significantly increase. In the year 1884, the United States medical community introduced the cocaine and argued that it was important in treating some of the diseases. The ailments the drug was used to cure included, but were not limited to, cold fever, hay-fever and