Today's Technology And Technology In 1984, By George Orwell

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Technology. The only use for it is spying on people right? The novel 1984 by George Orwell, takes place in a city called Air Strip One, in the country Oceania. Technology is a major factor throughout the whole novel. The technology has advanced in many ways, however it has also stalled. It has split off from the technology in today’s society in many ways. In this essay I will discuss the differences between Oceania’s technology and today’s technology, and the similarities they share. The technology in the novel 1984 and the technology today have advanced in many similar ways. For example both have advanced their technology to spy on the citizens better. In the novel Winston explains what the telescreens do, “The telescreen received and transmitted simultaneously. Any sound that Winston made, above the level of a very low whisper, would be picked up by it; moreover, so long as he remained within the field of vision which the metal plaque commanded, he could be seen as well as heard” (Orwell 3). Winston explains that the telescreens always soy on the people of the party as long as they are in the field of vision of the screen, it also picks up any noise that is heard above a whisper. At times you would are not able to tell if the Thought-police are watching you, “How often, or on what system, the Thought Police plugged in on any individual wire was guesswork…. But at any rate they could plug in your wire whenever they wanted to”(Orwell 3). The telescreens are positioned