
Todd Kassl Research Paper

443 Words2 Pages

We always remember a person for the good deeds and this is what makes a person great! If you take a look at the history, then you may found many examples of great such personality, who has gone to extents to help others. Now, many would say they do such things for fame or have personal motives to fulfill, but this is not necessary. You may spot a great person just by looking at the great deeds he/she is doing. Our history has numerous examples who has served the needy and underprivileged people with great responsibility; no one can ignore their efforts and one such person, who has set the example in front of the people is Todd Kassal, who was present at the mid of calamity helping his people with food cans and water bottles. Todd Kassal is a standout amongst the best stockbrokers in Miami and is known for aiding the Irma casualties, by giving them new water bottles and food cans. Hurricane Irma has hit the city, and individuals were worried about the circumstance. Todd helped around 200 individuals by giving them water jugs and jars of nourishment. …show more content…

Amid the last ruin, Katrina, he requested that the auto engineers fabricate a vast truck, with the goal that it can be utilized it to help individuals. He is an uplifting soul and helped individuals when they were scrutinizing him for that. While Kassal was dispersing the enhancements, he saw a lady discouraged in light of the fact that she lost every one of her possessions in the typhoon, and was in solitude. He gave $1000 to her so she can get herself some essential comforts after the catastrophe is

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