Tom Robinson Satire

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August On a night in August, Tom Robinson allegedly sexually assaulted Ms. Mayella. The facts are that everyone knows is Tom would always walk by that house everyday when he went back to the field. What we do not know is if he helped her everyday or not, Tom says in court that Ms. Mayella would always call him over to help her with chores, cutting up tinder and many regular chores. Ms. Mayella had a completely different story, she said that she only called him over that one time to ask for him to take something of a high point which she could not reach. According to Tom when he was doing this Mayella wrapped her arms around Tom and then proceeded to kiss him on the lips. He quotes Mayella saying “I’ve never kissed a grown man before, I might as well kiss a black man.” Mayella says something completely different, she says that she was hit numerous times by Tom and she got a perfect view of his face while he was doing hit. Another fact is that Tom is not at all able to use his left hand. When he was young he lost all control to the muscles in that hand. There is proof that she was beaten by 2 …show more content…

All pointing towards a black man Tom Robinson, and of course the society thinks the same “Oh it’s a black man! Of course he is indeed guilty!” Yeah well thats disgusting, what really happened is that Mayella was beaten by her own father and she is covering it up for him! Tom is obviously innocent, but again society these days has no respect for black peoples. She says Tom beat her right in front of her face! The real evidence is Tom can not use his left hand, when he was younger he lost all muscle in a horrible incident. The evidence shows that someone used both hands to beat Mayella! Now how is possible? Gosh darn it Mayella’s father beat her! She is just a little brat who doesn’t want to get her father in trouble. This whole event is just disgusting in my opinion, and I hope some of you other white people believe this