Tone Of Trump And The Plutocrat's Hubris By Epstein

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Joseph Epstein in his article “Trump and the Plutocrat’s Hubris,” speaks to Trump’s role in the government, and the extent to which businessmen can be successful in a political setting. Although it could be argued that Epstein’s article in objective, the use of pathos, diction, and tone throughout his article shows that the article in innately subjective. “My father was a moderately successful businessman…” By stating this, the article automatically becomes subjective. Epstein brings in a personal story, which in turn alludes to the reader that the article is his opinion. His father went from a kid who never finished high school to a moderately successful businessman with only money on his mind. Epstein uses pathos to connect with the readers by bringing in this personal story in which he disagrees with his father about the meaning of money. Also, the use of a personal …show more content…

By associating plutocracy and hubris with Trump in the title it immediately suggests that Epstein believes Trump is egotistical and haughty. “In the petit-bourgeois, confidently philistine milieu in which I grew up, plutocratic values held a firm purchase.” The extreme use of diction in the first sentence almost confuses readers, which again shows the subjectivity of the article. The extravagant and piercing diction throughout distracts the readers from the few facts. By The subjectivity of the article is also seen through Epstein’s tone. Epstein is not only himself subjective, but he also allows the readers to become subjective. He encourages the readers to interpret his tone. When the reader interprets the tone the readers become subjective, which shows that Epstein enabling the article to become personal and opinionated. The readers can in turn misconstrue the article by interpreting the facts that do appear in Epstein's article in a negative or positive